Let a little light shine

I never thought of it before, but since I’m decorating my house I discovered how hard it is to find beautiful lamps that fit in your interior. Ofcourse you have people who just choose the most basic ceiling lamp there is, but in my opinion a beautiful lamp can give something extra to a room. At the moment I’m saving for a Jielde. I’m thinking about buying a vintage one online in France and let it ship to Holland, but you also have some brand new ones at Sissy Boy that look pretty great. The pricetag of the new ones are only a little bit above my budget at the moment.. So when I want one of those some more saving is very necesarry! Below you find some pictures of Jielde lamps, but also some pic’s of the great lamps of Lee Broom, a few Edison lamps and some cool industrial ones. Enjoy:

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Got to love those fluffy pom poms

Few weeks ago I went to the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam and I saw in the museum shop these lovely pom poms. Also stumbled acrossed it in a Dutch interior magazine and since then I see them everywhere. Pom poms on Pinterest, Pom poms in blogposts, Pom poms in shops. So I thought, why not make a post of it! I think there just as cool for home decoration as the Ju Ju hats. And besides that, I also think that they are great to use as party decoration, for example at a wedding or if you are hosting a summerparty in the garden. By the way, don’t you also think that the pom poms also look a little bit like the fluffy things that you make as a kid in school with cotton or wool?

Interior inspiration: Tiles

interior inspiration

When I’m dreaming about my future house one of the things I imagine are tiled floors or walls. A tiled floor in the hallway, tiled walls in the bathroom, a tiled floor in the kitchen… I’m loving it all! Somehow it gives me a summer feeling and I think it can look really beautiful, if you use a nice pattern or colour ofcourse. The basic plain tiles that you find in many houses are ofcourse not on the wishlist. The only thing that I am worried about is that it maybe feels uncomfortable cold to your bare feet. Not the best feeling when you just woke up and your making some breakfast in your kitchen I can imagine… But well, who wants to look good has to sacrifice sometimes! And the look of some colourful, beautiful shaped tiles makes it all worth it I think. See for yourself:

Interior inspiration: vintage cabinets

Today’s interior inspiration consists of vintage cabinets! I really love to combine vintage furniture with more industrial modern pieces,  the first picture with the walk-in closet is a good example and I also like the picture where a yellow cabinet has been put in a bathroom and how they built a sink in it. If you are looking for your own vintage cabinet you should go to the dutch Loods5,  you can find some beautiful cabinets there. Marktplaats and ebay are also some good places to spot some. Oh and also don’t forget your grandparent’s house, you maybe wouldn’t say so but it’s the place to spot some hidden gems. Well take a look and get inspired! Don’t forget to tell me which one is your favourite.